
Behind brilliant minds - The power of ideas to change the world

From the most prestigious ancients human minds like Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla to the most recent creative and innovative humans that has been revolutionizing the world, just like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and  Elon Musk. All of them have one common thing. They have changed the world by the power of their ideas. But how the emergence of ideas can be explained? Are the great ideas a lucky process of a brainstorm? Can all of us be able to have ideas that could impact the worldwide or that is only a rare gem in the hand of those who are named on our society as genius?

The neuroscience can explain how the ideas come out from our brain and make us to enhance a task. Ideas are just a natural process of the creativity phenomenon of all human being during a brainstorm in order to solve problems. It is a natural daily process that happens several times a day and it does not depend of the location. Some people have great ideas while are bathing, running or reading. Usually it comes during the relaxation moment. Sometimes we feel that the ideas just  pups up from our mind as a result of a mental task. However, in order to have that happen, the human cortex need to work and process informations that already exist in our brain and come out with new solutions. 

During the processing of information the brain needs to understand the issue around the situation. By doing that, areas also related to memory and cognition are activated in order to use a background of information that you already have and come out with new manners to solve the problem. 

However, what really made Elon Musk to create some of the most powerful companies that will change the world like SpaceX, which aims to colonized Mars; Tesla, a automobile company that uses clean energy on the competitive automobilistic  industry and Neuralink, which aims to connect the human brain to AI? What made Zuckerberg to create the most powerful social network and Einstein to comprehend the Universe by decoding the space time mesh and the gravity law? 

Well, what really make them people with brilliant minds is that they go beyond what was expected. The difference is that they have a inner purpose and that purpose of make something different is the fuel that burn inside of them to come out with different thoughts and ideas that might one day change the world and people’s lives. Majority of them have had several ideas during life. However, on the long run many of them have fail. But instead of give up, they remained on the road. What make them to pursued is the purpose of impact the world or change things.

So, have great ideas is inherent to those who have the desire to change something and make the difference. Empower people by a  purpose is the guide which lead humans to succeed and to impact the world.


[1] How does our brain form creative and original ideas?

[2] De onde vem as grandes ideias. Retirado de:

[3] Where do ideas come from?

Tassia Nunes

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