Desenvolvimento Cerebral, List of Human Competences, Desenvolvimento Cerebral - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication, NIRS fNIRS Data Analysis, Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
List of Human Competences: Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência
NIRS fNIRS tomography Aurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms. Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout devices. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore.
NIRS Artifact Correction | NIRS Data Analysis
Surveillance Capitalism | Affective Computing
Sentience Flow Metacognition Consciousness
Desenvolvimento Cerebral, List of Human Competences, Desenvolvimento Cerebral - EEG ERP BCI FFT P300 N400 Neuroscience Publication, NIRS fNIRS Data Analysis, Lab Streaming Layer (LSL)
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List of CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados)De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança)Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas)Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% )Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias)Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional)Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)
List of CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados)De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança)Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas)Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% )Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias)Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional)Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)
NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore.
NIRS fNIRS tomographyAurora fNIRS: Raw data, HbO and Hb concentration changes can be visualized in real-time in several display modes. Recorded data can be exported over the integrated Lab Streaming Layer (LSL) protocol, allowing for real-time processing in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) and Neurofeedback paradigms.Aurora fNIRS: Turbo-Satori is a user friendly, real-time analysis software for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) data. Turbo-Satori is compatible with the NIRSport, NIRSport 2 and NIRScout device. It integrates with NIRStar or Aurora fNIRS without the need for any additional hardware.The NIRSite 2021.4 program is designed to provide a user-friendly way of specifying the arrangement of NIRS sources and detectors, also known as a montage, ready to be used with NIRStar and Aurora fNIRS. NIRStar is designed to function as a multiplatform instrument controlling environment that offers maximum flexibility to support the many investigational paradigms that the NIRx line of NIRSport and NIRScout functional imaging systems can explore.