This webinar covers an overview of the theoretical background of five different spectral analysis methods and their implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. Among various spectral analysis techniques, we are focusing on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Wavelet Transform, Event-Related Synchronization/Desynchronization (ERS/ERD), Complex Demodulation and Hilbert Transform. You will learn how to use them by seeing them applied to example data from resting state and visually evoked potential paradigms. Importantly, we also compare the methods to each other, so that you can discover what the similarities and differences between them are.
Investigating the neural correlates of real-life activities in more ecologically valid settings is gaining a lot of interest recently within the neuroscientific research community. However, challenges remain: how can you optimize your setup to record high quality data whilst providing comfort and freedom of movement to your participants? How can you synchronize all the involved data streams now that you are out of the lab? Which analyses could give you the best insights into your data? In the first part of this webinar we show you how to combine EEG and Eye Tracking measurement in a mobile and ecologically valid scenario, demonstrating how to prepare and optimize your setup with our super light-weight amplifier, the LiveAmp, and the Tobii Pro Glasses 3, Tobii Pro’s latest generation of wearable eye trackers. We will focus on how to properly synchronize the different data streams to be able to eventually infer meaningful insights from the recorded data.
In this webinar, we introduced our solutions for combining EEG and fNIRS. Reviewing the basics of both the EEG and the fNIRS signal, as well as each individual hardware setup, optimized for a fully wireless and mobile research application. We demonstrated how to combine Brain Products’ fully wireless EEG amplifier, the LiveAmp, together with the NIRSport2 from NIRx, while providing tips and tricks to make getting set up as smooth as possible. Additionally, we show you how to synchronize the two data streams with Lab Streaming Layer (LSL), as well as with hardware triggers, so you can ensure that the signals from each modality are aligned. We closed the webinar with a Q&A session to answer any remaining questions you had.
We cover in this webinar the basics of frequency analysis and you will learn about the Fast Fourier Transform and its implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. The practical example focuses on an alpha power analysis during a resting paradigm but other applications are touched in brief as well.This webinar provides an overview of common EEG artifacts and handling strategies in laboratory and out-of-lab settings. First, we present an overview of different types of artifacts that appear in the EEG, followed by general recommendations on how to avoid them during data acquisition. Afterwards, we go through a few practical examples from lab recordings to demonstrate artifact rejection and attenuation methods in Analyzer 2. All these elements are then brought together to extend our general recommendations to artifact handling in mobile EEG settings. We finally look into a practical example where a classical observation from the lab is reproduced in a mobile setting.In this webinar, we cover a classical ERP analysis from A to Z, including preprocessing, artifact handling, visualizations, exports and much more. We focus on two well-known ERP components during practical examples, the P300 in an Auditory Oddball and the N400 in a Semantic Priming paradigm. This webinar is intended for researchers who have just started with EEG analysis but it can also serve as a refresher for more advanced users.
In the first part of this webinar, we take you on a tour through the user interface of BrainVision Analyzer 2 and you will get to know all main concepts that you need to successfully work with the software. In the second part we review different EEG analysis concepts and you will learn about available tools in BrainVision Analyzer 2. This webinar is intended for researchers who have just started with EEG analysis and is an ideal entry point to using BrainVision Analyzer 2.
In the first part of this webinar, we take you on a tour through the user interface of BrainVision Analyzer 2 and you will get to know all main concepts that you need to successfully work with the software. In the second part we review different EEG analysis concepts and you will learn about available tools in BrainVision Analyzer 2. This webinar is intended for researchers who have just started with EEG analysis and is an ideal entry point to using BrainVision Analyzer 2.
Real-time brain-state dependent research – a collaboration between Brain Products and sync2brain
With this event we are very proud to introduce you, together with our partners from sync2brain GmbH, our combined solutions for real-time brain-state dependent applications. Dr. Michael Schubert will present you the TurboLink, Brain Products’ new solution for stable and ultra-fast online data access. You will then learn how you can stream EEG data online from Brain Products’ state of the art amplifier, the actiCHamp Plus, via TurboLink to the bossdevice RESEARCH, sync2brain’s real-time digital signal processor and brain-state analyzer. During the webinar, Dr. Christoph Zrenner will join us to talk about how the bossdevice RESEARCH was born, which scientific questions it allowed to answer, and which applications currently benefit from it.
This webinar provides an overview of common EEG artifacts and handling strategies in laboratory and out-of-lab settings. First, we present an overview of different types of artifacts that appear in the EEG, followed by general recommendations on how to avoid them during data acquisition. Afterwards, we go through a few practical examples from lab recordings to demonstrate artifact rejection and attenuation methods in Analyzer 2. All these elements are then brought together to extend our general recommendations to artifact handling in mobile EEG settings. We finally look into a practical example where a classical observation from the lab is reproduced in a mobile setting. This webinar is suitable for researchers with varying levels of experience as artifact handling is relevant for everyone working with EEG data.
This webinar covers an overview of the theoretical background of five different spectral analysis methods and their implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. Among various spectral analysis techniques, we are focusing on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Wavelet Transform, Event-Related Synchronization/Desynchronization (ERS/ERD), Complex Demodulation and Hilbert Transform. You will learn how to use them by seeing them applied to example data from resting state and visually evoked potential paradigms. Importantly, we also compare the methods to each other, so that you can discover what the similarities and differences between them are. This webinar is meant to get you started with spectral analysis before going into more detail of methods such as FFT and Wavelets. Prior knowledge of time-domain analysis (e.g., ERP) is recommended.
Introduction to Source Analysis - Distributed Source Imaging using LORETA
In this webinar, we introduce the methodology of source analysis and focus on LORETA and its implementation in BrainVision Analyzer 2. We demonstrate both the LORETA transient view and LORETA transformation on data from simulated sources and on real data from a visual evoked potential paradigm. The requirements and limitations of the method are discussed as well.