
GAMES Research, Affective Computing, Eye Tracking, Interact, Decision Making - NeuroArchitecture

GAMES Research, Affective Computing, Eye Tracking, Interact, Decision Making - NeuroArchitecture

Engineering Emotions into Game Design

Engineering Emotions into Game Design

Affective Computing 

GAMES Research

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento

GAMES Research 1/2
GAMES Research 2/2
GAMES Research

Eye Tracking

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 1/2

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 2/2

Argus Science Mobile Eye Tracking Glasses

Eye Tracking Neuroscience

Interact | Eye Tracking 

Decision Making




00:00:00 - 06:40:00

Engineering Emotions into Game Design


06:40:00 - 10:16:00

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento


10:16:00 - 13:05:00

Academic Research on GamesGame TheoryGames for LearningGames as a TreatmentPesquisas academicas sobre GamesTeroria dos JogosGames para aprendizadoGames como tratamentoInvestigación académica sobre juegosTeoría de JuegoJuegos para aprenderJuegos como tratamiento


13:05:00 - 15:36:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


15:36:00 - 16:54:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


16:54:00 - 17:49:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


17:49:00 - 18:46:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


18:46:00 - 23:59:00


Jackson Cionek