
Historia del Arte y Estética en la visión de la NeuroSemiotica, Digital transformation, Human Competence, Educação Infantil - NIRS-fNIRS Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG

Historia del Arte y Estética en la visión de la NeuroSemiotica, Digital transformation,  Human Competence, Educação Infantil - NIRS-fNIRS Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG

Scientific question and experimental design with NIRS fNIRs to better understand the effects of digital transformations
Scientific question and experimental design with NIRS fNIRs to better understand the effects of digital transformations

Que tipo de pergunta e experimento com NIRS fNIRs pode ser elaborado para melhor entendermos os efeitos das transformações digitais?

La Neurosemiótica es un campo interdisciplinario que busca explorar las conexiones entre la neurociencia, la semiótica (el estudio de los signos y símbolos) y la comunicación. Si bien la Neurosemiótica no es tan ampliamente conocida como otras disciplinas, como la neurociencia cognitiva o la semiótica, su objetivo es comprender cómo el cerebro humano procesa y crea significado a través de la comunicación y la percepción.


En relación con la historia del arte y la estética, la Neurosemiótica podría explorar cómo las personas perciben y experimentan obras de arte visual, cómo el cerebro procesa la información visual y cómo se crea el significado estético en la mente de los espectadores.


Algunos aspectos que la Neurosemiótica podría considerar al analizar la historia del arte y la estética podrían incluir:


Procesamiento visual: Cómo el cerebro humano procesa y organiza la información visual, incluyendo elementos como líneas, formas, colores y composición en una obra de arte.


Percepción estética: Cómo las características visuales de una obra de arte influyen en la percepción estética y emocional del espectador.


Simbolismo y significado: Cómo los símbolos y signos presentes en una obra de arte comunican significados y cómo el cerebro interpreta y asigna significado a estos elementos.


Respuesta emocional: Cómo el cerebro responde emocionalmente a la belleza, la originalidad y otras cualidades estéticas en el arte.


Cambio en la historia del arte: Cómo los movimientos artísticos a lo largo del tiempo han evolucionado en términos de estilos, representaciones y percepciones, y cómo esto puede estar relacionado con los cambios en la percepción y el procesamiento cerebral.


Cultura y contexto: Cómo las influencias culturales y sociales influyen en la interpretación y la apreciación estética de las obras de arte.


Es importante tener en cuenta que la Neurosemiótica es un enfoque emergente y aún en desarrollo, por lo que la aplicación de sus conceptos a la historia del arte y la estética podría variar y evolucionar a medida que se realicen más investigaciones en el área.


Combining functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalography (EEG) is a powerful approach in neuroscience research that allows for the simultaneous measurement of brain activity using two different techniques. Let's break down the concepts:


fNIRS (functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy): fNIRS is a neuroimaging technique that measures changes in blood oxygenation levels in the brain. It uses near-infrared light to penetrate the skull and reach the brain's surface. By detecting how much light is absorbed and scattered by the brain tissue, fNIRS can provide information about localized changes in blood flow, indicating areas of increased neural activity.


EEG (Electroencephalography): EEG records electrical activity in the brain using electrodes placed on the scalp. It measures the voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within neurons. EEG is particularly useful for capturing rapid changes in neural activity and understanding the timing of different brain events.


Integration of fNIRS and EEG:

Combining fNIRS and EEG offers a complementary approach that addresses some of the limitations of each technique when used alone. For example:


Spatial and Temporal Resolution: fNIRS provides relatively good spatial resolution but lacks the temporal resolution of EEG. EEG offers excellent temporal resolution but limited spatial precision. Combining the two techniques can provide insights into both the timing and location of neural activity.


Hemodynamic and Electrophysiological Information: fNIRS primarily measures changes in blood oxygenation related to hemodynamic responses, while EEG measures electrical activity. By using both techniques simultaneously, researchers can obtain a more comprehensive view of brain function.


Artifact Reduction: fNIRS can be sensitive to motion artifacts, while EEG can be affected by muscle artifacts. Integrating the two methods can help identify and reduce these artifacts, leading to more accurate data.


Cognitive and Motor Tasks: Certain tasks may evoke both hemodynamic and electrophysiological responses. Combining fNIRS and EEG can provide a more complete picture of brain activation during such tasks.


Research involving the integration of fNIRS and EEG can explore various areas, including cognitive processes, motor function, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurofeedback, and more. However, it's important to note that the integration process involves technical challenges, such as accurate co-registration of the two modalities and handling the differences in signal quality and spatial coverage.


Researchers working with these techniques often aim to develop advanced analysis methods to fuse the data from fNIRS and EEG effectively, maximizing the benefits of both modalities.

História da Arte e Estética II | NeuroSemiotics



Integrating EEG and fNIRSExplore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG. Triggering, synchronization and LSL.Multi-modal neuroimaging methods. Physiological modelling of neural signals, and combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods. 


NIRS-fNIRS Physiological | EEG-NIRS

Integrating EEG and fNIRS Explore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG. Triggering, synchronization and LSL.Multi-modal neuroimaging methods. Physiological modelling of neural signals, and combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods. 

4ª Jornada Pedagógica da Educação Infantil | Human Competence - 15:09 - 23:09

Human Competence

Digital transformation | Human Competence

Human Competence


Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..) 

Jurídica (Avaliacão do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário) 

Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras) 

Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...) 

Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras) 

Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados ) 

De Direito (Regras, Constituição, Fatos, Fakes e Confiança) 

Humanking (Ser humano é bom por natureza se necessidades básicas como alimentação, abrigo, segurança e afeto forem atendidas) 

Fruición (se refiere al disfrute pleno y satisfactorio de algo deseado, ya sea en términos personales, emocionales o culturales ) 

Estado (Estado de Bem Estar pessoal e coletivo - Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais e sociais necessárias) 

Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional) 

Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva) 

Poder Moderador ou Quarto Poder - Tempo e Dinheiro (Valor da crença, percepção, afazeres e tempo de atenção dedicado) 

Liberdade (de Ir e Vir, Negar ordens, e Ser o que o Estado permiter Ser)



00:00:00 - 09:10:00



09:10:00 - 13:15:00

Integrating EEG and fNIRSExplore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG. Triggering, synchronization and LSL.Multi-modal neuroimaging methods. Physiological modelling of neural signals, and combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods. 


13:15:00 - 13:59:00

Integrating EEG and fNIRSExplore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG. Triggering, synchronization and LSL.Multi-modal neuroimaging methods. Physiological modelling of neural signals, and combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods. 


13:59:00 - 15:09:00

Integrating EEG and fNIRSExplore the integration of combined fNIRS-EEG. Triggering, synchronization and LSL.Multi-modal neuroimaging methods. Physiological modelling of neural signals, and combined EEG-fNIRS analysis methods. 


15:09:00 - 23:09:00

Human Competence


23:09:00 - 23:59:00

Human Competence

Jackson Cionek