
Human Competences - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência

Human Competences - Executiva, Jurídica, Legislativa, Democrática, Laica, Sentiência, De Direito, Humankind, Fruición, Wellbeing, Metacognition, Consciência

Human Competence

Optical Illusions | NeuroMagic

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

Audio Illusions | NeuroMagic 

Amazing Science Toys | NeuroMagic

Illusions Perception | NeuroMagic

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 1/2 | Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking EEG NIRS
The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior. Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 2/2 | Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking Interact | Eye Tracking

Physiology and Behavior

Estresse e Neuroimunologia | Physiology and Behavior

Physiology and Behavior 1

| New Year Resolutions

Optimizing all SkillsList of Human Competences

Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)

Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)

Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)

Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)

Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)

Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados)

De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança)

Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas)

Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% )

Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias)

Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional)

Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)



00:00:00 - 01:34:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


01:34:00 - 02:14:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


02:14:00 - 04:07:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


04:07:00 - 05:24:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 1/2 | Eye Tracking

05:24:00 - 09:23:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects

Eye Tracking Neuroscience 2/2 | Eye Tracking

09:23:00 - 10:43:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


10:43:00 - 14:06:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


14:06:00 - 14:40:00

Physiology and Behavior


14:40:00 - 17:57:00

Estresse e Neuroimunologia


17:57:00 - 19:44:00

Physiology and Behavior 1


19:44:00 - 23:59:00

New Year Resolutions 2022 Optimizing all SkillsList of CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados)De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança)Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas)Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% )Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias)Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional)Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)

Jackson Cionek