
Neuroscience 2022, Simpósio de Neuroengenharia, TMS and cognition, Socio-emotional skills - Illusions Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, TMS research, EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking

Neuroscience 2022, Simpósio de Neuroengenharia, TMS and cognition, Socio-emotional skills - Illusions Perception, Cognitive Neuroscience, TMS research, EEG NIRS TMS Eye Tracking

International Symposium on Neuroengineering
International Symposium on Neuroengineering

VII Simpósio de Neuroengenharia | Neuroscience Centers

International Symposium on Neuroengineering - November 9 - 11, 2022

Brain/Human-Machine Interface (ICM / HMI); Data Processing and Analysis; Neurophysiology / Electrophysiology; Neuromodulation; Assistive Technology / Rehabilitation / Innovation in health; Neuroanatomy and Image Analysis; Biomedical Engineering, Neuroengineering and Neurosciences.

TMS and cognition 1/2 | TMS research
Neuroscience TMS and Cognition
Neuroscience TMS and Cognition

Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness or even Socio-emotional skills like executive, legislative, or judgmental skills.

TMS and cognition 2/2 | TMS research 

Illusions Perception | NeuroMagic 

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem! An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

Optical Illusions | NeuroMagic 

Neuroscience 2022

Neuroscience 2022

Neuroscience 2022

Behavioral Neuroscience; Bioinformatics / Neuroinformatics; Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience; Computational Neuroscience and Modeling; Developmental Neuroscience; Evolutionary and Comparative Neuroscience; Excitable Membranes and Ion Channels; Motor Systems Neuroscience; Neural / Synaptic Structure and Function; Neuroendocrinology; Neuroengineering and Robotics; Neuroethology; Neuropharmacology and Neurochemistry; Neuroregeneration and Repair; Neuroscience of Aging; Sensory Systems Neuroscience; Techniques and Methods; Animal behavioral monitoring; Human brain imaging (fMRI, PET, ERP, MEG, NIRS)



00:00:00 - 13:36:00

VII Simpósio de Neuroengenharia


13:36:00 - 17:03:00

Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness or even Socio-emotional skills like executive, legislative, or judgmental Skill.


17:03:00 - 20:12:00

Changing energy or matter within the brain changes our consciousness or even Socio-emotional skills like executive, legislative, or judgmental Skill.


20:12:00 - 22:07:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.


22:07:00 - 23:59:00

Those who do that use combinations of colors, lights, or particular patterns that can really trick the brain. So get ready to check your visual perception with this fun challenge! Some of these illusions were interpreted a long time ago, while others will challenge your brain and still won’t give a logical explanation. These awesome pictures will mess with your eyes and mind, making you believe things aren’t what they seem!An Audio Illusion that gets you freaked out.

Jackson Cionek