
Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research

Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research

Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research  Publications citing Brain Products
Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research  Publications citing Brain Products

EEG and fMRI measure electrical and hemodynamic changes in the brain, respectively and are complementary in terms of spatial and temporal accuracy. Simultaneous acquisition of EEG and fMRI requires extra considerations for both data signal quality and participant safety. Our MR conditional amplifiers are officially certified by all major scanner vendors. These amplifiers can be combined with additional physiological sensors like accelerometers and GSR. Record your data fully synchronized to the scanner clock and, to ensure data quality during a recording, perform real-time processing of your data with our online viewing software. Our analysis software makes use of specialized transformations for offline pre-processing of scanner-related artifacts, as well as advanced analysis.

fMRI-EEG Fingerprint Regression Model for Motor Cortex Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

fMRI-EEG Fingerprint Regression Model for Motor Cortex Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

EEG-fMRI publications
Vitaly Rudnev, Michael Melnikov, Michael Melnikov, Andrey Savelov, Mark Shtark, Estate M Sokhadze fMRI-EEG Fingerprint Regression Model for Motor Cortex Neuroregulation, Vol 8 No 3 (2021) Published: 2021-09-30

Functional Cerebral Activation  Slow wave-coupled uncoupled Sleep Spindles Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

Functional Cerebral Activation  Slow wave-coupled uncoupled Sleep Spindles Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

EEG-fMRI publications
Baena D, Fang Z, Gibbings A, Smith D, Ray LB, Doyon J, Owen AM and Fogel SM (2023) Functional differences in cerebral activation between slow wave-coupled and uncoupled sleep spindles. Front. Neurosci. 16:1090045. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1090045

Neural and functional validation fMRI-EEG right inferior frontal gyrus activity Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

Neural and functional validation fMRI-EEG right inferior frontal gyrus activity Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

EEG-fMRI publications
Or-Borichev A, Gurevitch G, Klovatch I, et al. Neural and functional validation of fMRI-informed EEG model of right inferior frontal gyrus activity. Neuroimage. 2023;266:119822.

Cerebellar connectivity across stable human wakefulness and NREM EEG sleep states Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

Cerebellar connectivity across stable human wakefulness and NREM EEG sleep states Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI Research

EEG-fMRI publications
Liu J, Zou G, Xu J, et al. State-dependent and region-specific alterations of cerebellar connectivity across stable human wakefulness and NREM sleep states. Neuroimage. 2023;266:119823.

Sponge electrode EEG fMRI Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research

Sponge electrode EEG fMRI Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research

Sponge-based passive electrode system for quick set up and gel residue free EEG recordings in the MR environment
Ag/AgCl scalp electrodes with exchangeable sponge tips and a gel-based ECG electrode, both fitted with current-limiting resistors, for maximum safety and data quality

Also available with Carbon Wire Loops for motion artefact correction
Net sizes range from infants to adults; available channel counts: 32 – 128

Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research  EEG fMRI Publication

Neuroscience 2023 EEG fMRI research  EEG fMRI Publication

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

Jackson Cionek