
Neuroscience of Perception, Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Consciousness, Self Perception - Consciousness and A Map of the Emotions, Human Connectome, Functional Connectivity

Neuroscience of Perception, Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Consciousness, Self Perception - Consciousness and A Map of the Emotions, Human Connectome, Functional Connectivity

Neuroscience of Perception
Neuroscience of Perception


Como as Emoções Modulam nossas Percepções e Consciências?

Emotions Modulate our Perceptions and Consciousness
Emotions Modulate our Perceptions and Consciousness

The neuroscience of perception and the role of the prefrontal cortex in consciousness, along with concepts like self-perception, the mapping of emotions, the Human Connectome, and functional connectivity, form a rich tapestry of inquiry in the field of neuroscience. Here's a breakdown of these interrelated topics:


Neuroscience of Perception:


Perception is the process by which the brain interprets and makes sense of sensory information. Neuroscience studies how the brain processes visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory inputs to create a coherent picture of the world.

It involves multiple brain areas, with each type of sensory information processed in specialized regions (like the visual cortex for sight).

Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Consciousness:


The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is crucial in higher-order cognitive functions, including decision-making, problem-solving, and moderating social behavior.

It's also involved in aspects of consciousness, such as self-awareness and reflective thought. The PFC helps integrate sensory information with internal states, goals, and memories to produce a conscious experience.

Self-Perception and Consciousness:


Self-perception relates to how individuals perceive themselves, including awareness of one's own personality, feelings, behavior, and thoughts. It's a crucial aspect of consciousness.

The brain regions involved in self-perception include the PFC, the anterior cingulate cortex, and the insular cortex. These areas are integral to processing information about oneself and forming a self-identity.

A Map of the Emotions:


Neuroscience increasingly recognizes that emotions are complex states involving numerous brain regions.

"A Map of the Emotions" would refer to the identification of brain networks and pathways responsible for different emotions. This includes understanding how emotions are generated, regulated, and expressed.

Human Connectome:


The Human Connectome Project is a major endeavor to construct a detailed map of the neural connections in the brain. This "connectome" is essentially a wiring diagram of the brain.

Understanding the connectome is crucial for understanding how different parts of the brain communicate and work together to produce various cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes.

Functional Connectivity:


Functional connectivity refers to the statistical dependencies between different brain regions, indicating how various areas of the brain interact and coordinate their activity.

It's a key aspect of neuroscience research, as it helps in understanding how brain networks support different cognitive and perceptual processes, including consciousness.

In summary, these aspects of neuroscience collectively aim to unravel the complex workings of the brain as it relates to perception, consciousness, and emotion. This knowledge is not only fundamental in understanding the human experience but also crucial in addressing various neurological and psychiatric conditions.


Human Connectome - Part 2 | Functional Connectivity

Functional Connectivity

Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Consciousness | Functional Connectivity

Functional Connectivity

Consciousness | Consciência

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva) Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.

Eye Tracking Interact | Eye Tracking

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior. Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data. Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects

Neuroscience of Perception 1/2 | Self Perception

Self Perception

Self Perception True and Fake News | Self Perception

Self Perception

A Map of the Emotions | Self Perception 

Self Perception



00:00:00 - 05:22:00

Functional Connectivity


05:22:00 - 08:09:00

Functional Connectivity


12:24:00 - 16:17:00

The post Area-of-Interest analysis gives statistical values and interesting insights into the participants' overall gaze behavior.Create easily impressive visualizations, such as Gaze Replay charts and videos, Focus Maps or Heat Maps on that data.Only with gaze tracking, you can discover the true user experience and the value and effect of your study-objects


16:17:00 - 19:27:00

Self Perception


19:27:00 - 22:42:00

Self Perception


22:42:00 - 23:59:00

Self Perception


11:10:00 - 12:24:00

Conciencia objetiva y subjetiva (activa, reactiva y pasiva)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.Competências Político Sociais: Social sentiment, interpersonal influence, networking skills, interacción con las normas constitucionales y sinceridad evidente.Neurosciences Consciousness Feeling Perceiving Make IntuitingNeurosciences cognitive behavior awareness feeling perceive making intuitingObjective and Subjective Awareness (Active, Reactive and Passive)Human Consciousness is a movement that perceives to be itself in the Human.

Jackson Cionek