
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity - Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

EEG electrodes
EEG electrodes

Competências Socioemocionais | Human Competence 

Político Emotional Competence: Executiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..) Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário) Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras) Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...) Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras) Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados) De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança) Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas) Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% ) Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias) Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional) Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)

Neuroscience Calcium Signaling in neurons Temporal and spatial Control | Neuroscience 2022 Neuroscience 2022 La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan) BRAZIL EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

Tyranny of Merit | Affective Computing 

Evolutionary Synthesis | Affective Computing

Neuroscience 2022 EEG Electrodes the best for your research

There are a few fundamental questions you may want to consider before deciding which electrode system is right for you:

Are low noise and highest signal quality crucial, or do you need a particularly quick or comfortable setup?

With what population (healthy adults, children, patients, etc.) are you testing?

Are you planning your study in a noise-free laboratory environment or rather in a mobile real-life setting?

Do you need high-density coverage or just a few EEG channels for your measurements?

How long are your experiments?

Are you planning to combine EEG with other techniques such as fMRI, TMS, fNIRS?

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Gel active electrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Gel active electrodes

EEG Electrode Gel active electrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode SnapCAp Slim active electrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode SnapCAp Slim active electrodes

EEG Electrode SnapCAp Slim active electrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode passive gel-base

Neuroscience EEG Electrode passive gel-base

EEG Electrode passive gel-base

Neuroscience EEG Electrode passive  Gel-Base

Neuroscience EEG Electrode passive  Gel-Base

EEG Electrode passive  Gel-Base

Neuroscience EEG Electrode sponge-based

Neuroscience EEG Electrode sponge-based

EEG Electrode sponge-based

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Sponge R-Net

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Sponge R-Net

EEG Electrode Sponge R-Net

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry active actiCAP

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry active actiCAP

EEG Electrode Dry active actiCAP

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry active CGX

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry active CGX

EEG Electrode Dry active CGX

Neuroscience EEG Electrode dry active acticap

Neuroscience EEG Electrode dry active acticap

EEG Electrode dry active acticap

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry Quick CGX eletrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode Dry Quick CGX eletrodes

EEG Electrode Dry Quick CGX eletrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode active gel based CGX

Neuroscience EEG Electrode active gel based CGX

EEG Electrode active gel based CGX

Neuroscience EEG Electrode active gel-based electrodes

Neuroscience EEG Electrode active gel-based electrodes

EEG Electrode active gel-based electrodes

Neuroscience 2022 BrainLatam

Neuroscience 2022 BrainLatam

Neuroscience 2022 BrainLatam

LATBrain A brain with science and Latin American consciousness

LATBrain A brain with science and Latin American consciousness

LATBrain A brain with science and Latin American consciousness

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

We have now introduced several important concepts: electrode impedance, the difference between active and passive electrode technology, and different approaches to establishing contact between electrode and scalp. These principles are strongly inter-connected and choosing your electrode system may mean finding the right balance between signal quality, invested effort and the participant’s comfort.

In this section, we will look at important factors specific to your research project that may determine which electrode system works best for you. Hopefully, these considerations will help to guide you towards the best possible solution for your research.

Affective Computing



00:00:00 - 07:15:00

List of CompetencesExecutiva (Ing - Pensar, Fazer, Aprender, Lembrar, Comer, etc..)Jurídica (Avaliação do certo e errado pessoal e comunitário)Legislativa (Pensamento Abstrato, conhecimento de Línguas estrangeiras)Democrática (Dividir, compartilhar, ceder, receber, avançar...)Laica (Desenvolver a própria Subjetividade religiosa e saber sentir as outras)Sentiência (Conhecer e gerenciar sentimentos e emoções pessoais e projetados)De Direito (Fatos, Fakes e Confiança)Humankind (Ser humano é bom por natureza dentro das competências e necessidades básicas supridas)Fruición (na Autogestão - Fluir em todas as atividades 100% )Wellbeing (Busca do bem estar dentro das tensões corporais necessárias)Metacognition (Innocence, ingenuidade, controle atencional)Consciência (Ativa, Reativa e Passiva - Objetiva e Subjetiva)


07:15:00 - 15:52:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


15:52:00 - 16:54:00

Tyranny of Merit


16:54:00 - 20:34:00

Evolutionary Synthesis


20:34:00 - 23:59:00

Affective Computing

Jackson Cionek