
Scientific Question and Experimental Design

Scientific Question and Experimental Design

Scientific Question and Experimental Design
Scientific Question and Experimental Design

1. Formulating a Scientific Question:

A scientific question is one that can be answered through empirical research and experimentation. It should be specific, clear, and focused. For the sake of illustration, let's pose a scientific question related to biology.

Question: Does exposure to sunlight increase the growth rate of Plant X?

2. Developing an Experimental Design:

Objective: To determine the effect of sunlight exposure on the growth rate of Plant X.

a. Variables:

Independent Variable (What you change): Amount of sunlight exposure per day.

Dependent Variable (What you measure): Growth rate of Plant X, measured in cm per day.

Control Variables (What you keep the same): Type of soil, amount of water, temperature, type of plant, age of plant at start of experiment, etc.

b. Setup:

Control Group: Plant X specimens that receive a standard amount of sunlight (e.g., 4 hours/day).

Experimental Groups: Multiple sets of Plant X specimens, each exposed to different amounts of sunlight (e.g., 6 hours/day, 8 hours/day, 10 hours/day).

c. Procedure:

Acquire multiple specimens of Plant X, ensuring they are of similar age and size.

Plant them in pots with the same type and amount of soil.

Place them in controlled conditions, ensuring temperature and other environmental factors are consistent.

Water each plant with the same amount of water daily.

Expose each group to their designated amount of sunlight daily.

Measure the height of each plant daily and record the data.

d. Duration:

The experiment will run for 30 days.

e. Data Analysis:

Calculate the average daily growth rate for each group.

Plot the growth rates on a graph with sunlight exposure on the x-axis and growth rate on the y-axis.

Use statistical tests (e.g., ANOVA) to determine if differences in growth rates are statistically significant between the groups.

f. Conclusion:

Based on the data, determine if increased sunlight exposure has a significant effect on the growth rate of Plant X. Discuss the potential implications of the findings and suggest further studies if necessary.

3. Considerations:

Replication: To ensure results are not due to random chance, the experiment should be repeated several times.

Sample Size: The larger the sample size (i.e., the number of Plant X specimens in each group), the more confident we can be in the results.

Blind Measurements: If possible, the person measuring the plants should not know which group each plant belongs to. This reduces the chance of measurement bias.

This is a basic experimental design. In a real-world scenario, further intricacies, specific conditions, and detailed protocols might be necessary.


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Neuroscience Meeting 2023 SBNeC - Summary of selected neuroscientific topics
(generated by ChatGPT):

Homeostasis Perception and Emotion in Panic

Antropologia Amerindia América Latina

Newborn Behavioral Observation

"Muscle matters: from human disease to human performance"

Transgenerational memories of trauma - epigenetic, physiological and mental health factors

Efeito de Realidade Virtual e Gamificação no Aprendizado

Vida moderna, Ritmos Biológicos, Sono, Homeostasia Fisiológica e Processos Cognitivos

Long-term cognitive and emotional impairments associated to hypercholesterolemia

Short- and long-term effects of ethanol on astrocyte functioning

Caffeine effects on brain development

Obesidade do neurodesenvolvimento ao envelhecimento

Repercussões fisiológicas e celulares da exposição aos pesticidas em períodos críticos do desenvolvimento

Distúrbios do Crescimento Celular

Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Nutrition

Endocrine Disruptors

Cancer as a developmental disease

Scientific Question and Experimental Design

Scientific Research Integrity

Neuroscience of Obesity

Epilepsy Neuroscience and Perception

The Liver-Brain axis

A fisiologia do feminino

Active Learning to Improve Engagement

The molecular basis of Exercise-induced skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis

Neurochemical Underpinnings of Psychedelic-Induced Ego Dissolution

Recent advances in the neuroendocrine control of hydromineral homeostasis

Psychoneuroimmunology Immunoneuroendocrine interactions

Aproveitando a natureza dinâmica da memória para eliminar experiências traumáticas

Acerca da modificação de memórias episódicas

The biological response of ayahuasca

LSD and creativity

Variabilidade da frequência cardíaca como marcador da integração neurovisceral

Inteligência artificial, psicodélicos, e saúde mental

Efeitos do isolamento social e do enriquecimento ambiental na plasticidade do sistema nervoso

Neurociências e Educação: Reflexões sobre o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH)

Cellular and molecular networks underlying psychiatric disorders


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