
Translational Education, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers, Molecular Physiology Neuroscience

Translational Education, Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research, NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience - BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers, Molecular Physiology Neuroscience

NIRs fNIRS Neurosceince

Neuroscience NIRS fNIRS

NIRx NIRS Publications

There have been many peer-reviewed publications over the past 30 years using near-infrared specstrocopy in neuroimaging.  This is a small sample of some recent publications by NIRx end-users, organized by application.

NIRs fNIRS Neurosceince

NIRs fNIRS Neurosceince

NIRS fNIRS Jackson Cionek NIRx

NIRS fNIRS Jackson Cionek NIRx




Brain Latam BrainSupport

BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers – Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research | Neuroscience 2022

Neuroscience 2022 La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias BRAZIL EEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience Researchers Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

Synapse Molecular Physiology Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2022

NIRS Brain imaging fNIRS | NIRS fNIRS BCI

NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS) NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagen óptica functional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS Neurodesenvolvimento NIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


Infants NIRS Studies | NIRS fNIRS BCI


Educação no Século XXI | Translational Education 

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicação Implications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoções Etapa prelingüistica

Competências Socioemocionais 1/3 | Translational Education 

Desarrollo del lenguaje pre-linguístico | Translational Education



00:00:00 - 08:45:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


08:45:00 - 12:10:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


12:10:00 - 13:42:00

NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication February 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications January 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022 NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS) NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


13:42:00 - 15:54:00

NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication February 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications January 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS) NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


15:54:00 - 17:00:00

NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication February 2022NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications January 2022NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS)NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


17:00:00 - 19:08:00

NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications March 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publication February 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience Publications January 2022 NIRS fNIRS Neuroscience course - April 08, 2022 NIRS fNIRS Scientific Question, Physical Principles Experimental Designs Functional optical neuroimaging (fNIRS) NIRS fNIRS devices - Near Infrared Spectroscopy - NIRS Brain Latam NIRSLatam NIRS - Neuroimagem óptica funcional (fNIRS)NIRS Research Field |  NIRS NeurodesenvolvimentoNIRS Neurociencia Social y CognitivaNIRS Análisis de Datos | NIRS Aplicações ClínicasFunctional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)NIRS infrared spectroscopy | NIRS and neuroscienceNIRS and Music | NIRS Brain imaging fNIRSBCI NIRS | EEG fNIRS | Infants NIRS StudiesEEG fNIRS Combined | Consciousness Neuroscience BehaviorNIRS Publications before 2022


19:08:00 - 20:52:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


20:52:00 - 23:04:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica


23:04:00 - 23:59:00

O que é Poda Neuronal?Ferramentas para medir o desenvolvimento infantil e a qualidade no ensino na pré-escola.Vivemos a era da cultura digital. O conhecimento, muitas vezes, é intermediado pela tecnologia da informação e da comunicaçãoImplications of neuroscience  in the early years.Exercícios físicos regulares, aumento de atenção e motivação,Habilidades socioemocionais ou competências socioemocionais para lidar com as próprias emoçõesEtapa prelingüistica

Jackson Cionek