
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA CSD Butterworth filter, PCA NIRS Real-time analysis software, NIRS fNIRS

Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, EEG ERP P300 N400 ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA CSD Butterworth filter, PCA NIRS Real-time analysis software, NIRS fNIRS

Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS
Neuroscience 2022 EEG fMRI NIRS fNIRS

EEG fMRI | EEG-fMRI Webinar Course 


Analyzing fMRI data | EEG-fMRI Webinar Course

EEG-fMRI Webinar Course
EEG-fMRI Webinar Course

Glial Cells Synaptic plasticity | Neuroscience 
Glial Cells Synaptic plasticity

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan) Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 

Synapse Molecular Physiology Neuroscience | Neuroscience 2022 

Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research | Neuroscience 2022

EEG Data Analysis | TheNeuroSoft 

Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research Neuroscience 2022
Cell to Perception Neuroscience Research Neuroscience 2022

Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus Software EEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS tACS, MEG, Eye Tracking and VideoSyncThe analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalNIRS near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopy - Turbo-Satori: NIRS Real-time analysis software, Fully customized analysis pipeline,Capable of calculating changes in oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, concentrations followed by block averages, GLM, SVM classification and statistics, Topographic channel selection, Real-time statistics including T-values, Beta values, channel correlation and averages, Short distance channel support, Heartbeat detection/Heart rate calculation



00:00:00 - 03:24:00



03:24:00 - 05:36:00

Analyzing fMRI data


05:36:00 - 09:21:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


09:21:00 - 12:48:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


12:48:00 - 21:22:00

Neuroscience 2022La Federación de Asociaciones Latinoamericanas y del Caribe de Neurociencias (Falan)Registration 3rd FALAN Congress September 11th - 14th, 2022/BELÉM, BRAZILEEG NIRS TMS EyeTracking VideoSync EEG NIRS Data Analysis BrainSupport Solution for Neuroscience ResearchersNeuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness. 


21:22:00 - 23:59:00

Recording, Analysis, Presentation and Stimulus SoftwareEEG fMRI, NIRS fNIRS, TMS, tDCS tACS, MEG, Eye Tracking and VideoSyncThe analysis software for EEG ERP P300 N400 research, Video integration, Raw Data Inspection, interactive ICA, FFT, Wavelets, LORETA, MR and CB artifact correction, Integration for eye-tracking data,CSD Current Source Density, Grand Average, Grand Segmentation, ERS/ERD Event-related synchronization and desynchronization, FFT Fast Fourier Transform, FFT Inverse, ICA Independent Component Analysis, Inverse ICA,Butterworth filter, Linear Derivation, LORETA for source analysis, Ocular Correction ICA based on ICA, PCA Principal Component Analysis, Segmentation,Topographic Interpolation, t-Test paired and unpaired t-Tests, Wavelets, Wavelet ExtractionFunctionalNIRS near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) NIRS infrared spectroscopy - Turbo-Satori: NIRS Real-time analysis software, Fully customized analysis pipeline,Capable of calculating changes in oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin, concentrations followed by block averages, GLM, SVM classification and statistics, Topographic channel selection, Real-time statistics including T-values, Beta values, channel correlation and averages, Short distance channel support, Heartbeat detection/Heart rate calculation 

Jackson Cionek